Happy Independence Day! We got to take in a parade yesterday. Portland likes to have parades. We have one for the 4Th, then Homecoming, the Parade of Lights in December, and I know there is one I am forgetting. Anyway, my daughters were in the parade riding in grandpa's BRIGHT yellow 1965 Cutlass. They got to throw over 900 pieces of candy, running out in the first 1/3 of the route. My daughter called me during the parade from the car to inform me that next time I need to buy more. My husband was on a float for our church playing keyboard with the band. I think that would have made me nauseous. It was odd watching the parade with no children to chase candy. My son was with me, but he has never been a candy eater. He was quite thrilled to catch a new t-shirt. I told him that we didn't have to shop for school clothes now. He said that was fine. Obviously, it's not one of our favorite past times.
After a bit of downtime, we went to a friend's party. They throw fabulous parties. Kids everywhere, and they have a HUGE front porch where lawn chairs continued to pop up and laughter was in abundance. There was absolutely no fighting among the kids, I don't know about the adults, that would be their business...ha ha. There was a taco bar and I successfully baked and took a sweetcorn casserole, YAY ME! Cayden was beyond thrilled to light matches for fireworks and we managed to smoke out all the mosquitoes with hundreds of sparklers. It rained a bit but the fellowship made it seem sunny!
Reluctantly, I forced myself out of bed this morning. I had stayed up late listening to some idiot neighbor celebrating well past midnight. Eric and I decided after three growls, we would go to church without children. Although, Alison ended up coming by bike when we were reminded she was scheduled to work in the nursery.
After church, a friend of ours, with a child that struggles with various sensory issues, told me to find this child and look closely at his shirt. She said there was something subtle about it that she didn't want to point out to him. I assumed this was a "choose your battles" type thing. I sought out the child expecting him to have his shirt on inside out or backwards. I completely missed the subtlety I was looking for. His shirt was from a recent cruise they had taken and had a bull on it. It said something "Toro" on it, I can't remember. I am just that observant. I walked to her husband and explained that I couldn't find this thing I was looking for. He pointed out that the bull was "blessed". I thought....OK, maybe that is what the word before Toro means. No, what he meant to say was the bull was "anatomically correct". The bulls "bulls" were hanging down. Hilarious. Their son is only five so they hadn't pointed this out to him. Someone had to point it out to me, so I think they are safe. Now, the story gets a bit funnier. We pulled in the driveway at home, Alison was already back. When Eric stepped out of the van, Alison said "hey dad, your shirt is on inside out!" Now, that was funny. Here was my mid-thirties husband with the shirt I expected to find on the 5 year old!
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